Hotel Ranjan - Allahabad Hotel Ranjan is a well known name not only among the tourists but also among the local residents. Hotel Ranjan is a widely developed hotel property which is proudly located at Baghambari in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. The hotel is about 14 kms from Allahabad Bamrauli airport, 14 kms from Bamrauli railway station and 4 kms from University Road bus stop. The guests residing in the hotel can also easily visit the nearby places of tourist\'s attraction such as Company Garden and much more. The hotel is also near to the famous Chowk market where the guests can purchase their desired items. The various basic amenities provided by the hotel include 24 hours front desk, security guards, vegetarian and non-vegetarian food and much more. The prominent hotel also provides ample parking space to its guests where the guests can easily park their personal vehicles.
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