Enjoy a pleasant stay at Tarus Apartments Osmanbey, where guests can find many comfort services and facilities that help them to completely relax and enjoy their vacation. The hotel offers many elegant rooms equipped with all that guests may need such as comfortable bedroom, private bathroom, living room, TV, and equipped kitchen. The property offers many services such as room service, reception which offers guests assistance on various matters relating to accommodation and many other recreational facilities and services. The hotel is located in Istanbul, where guests can enjoy visiting many historical sightseeing such as Sultan Ayub Mosque and the Old Sultan's City. Save lots of time and money and book at Tarus Apartments Osmanbey at the best deals with Flyin.
Tarus Apartments Osmanbey is located about 22.3 km away from Ataturk International Airport and guests can request a taxi service at any time.
Cancellation policies can vary seasonally or depending on the property or room type. You can review the specific policy for the hotel you selected during the reservation process.
Child PolicyChildren policies may vary seasonally or depending on the hotel or room type. You can review the hotel's policies during reservation.
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